Ανάσταση – η αγάπη τελικά θα νικήσει το μίσος (Μήνυμα Πάσχα Αρχιεπισκόπου Αλβανίας κ. Αναστασίου)


Αρχιεπίσκοπος Tιράνων, Δυρραχίου και πάσης Αλβανίας
Πάσχα 2022
Ανάσταση – η αγάπη τελικά θα νικήσει το μίσος
Χριστός Ανέστη!
Απαλύνοντας τον πόνο και τις πληγές, η αγάπη τελικά θα νικήσει. Το παρήγορο αυτό μήνυμα εκπέμπει διαχρονικά η λαμπροφόρος εορτή της Αναστάσεως του Χριστού.
Κορυφαία γεγονότα αγάπης μέσα στην παγκόσμια ιστορία προβάλλουν η έλευση του Υιού και Λόγου του Θεού στον κόσμο, η πρόσληψη της ανθρωπίνης φύσεως και η ανύψωσή της με το Πάθος και την Ανάστασή Του. Η χριστιανική πίστη στηρίζεται σε μια θεμελιώδη αλήθεια: «Ο Θεὸς ἀγάπη ἐστί, καὶ ὁ μένων ἐν τῇ ἀγάπῃ ἐν τῷ Θεῷ μένει καὶ ὁ Θεὸς ἐν αὐτῷ» (Α’ Ίω. 4:16). Ανάσταση και αγάπη αλληλοπεριχωρούνται. Η κατά του θανάτου νίκη με την Ανάσταση του Χριστού συντελείται με την αγάπη: «ἡμεῖς οἴδαμεν (γνωρίζουμε καλά) ὅτι μεταβεβήκαμεν ἐκ τοῦ θανάτου εἰς τὴν ζωήν, ὅτι ἀγαπῶμεν τοὺς ἀδελφούς·» (Α’ Ιω. 3:14). Η μετάβαση από τον θάνατο στη ζωή συντελείται με την αγάπη.
Το εύρος και το βάθος της χριστιανικής αγάπης προσδιορίζονται στα βιβλικά κείμενα και αποκαλύπτονται στην πληρότητά τους, στη μορφή του σαρκωθέντος Υιού και Λόγου του Θεού, του Ιησού Χριστού. Αυτός είναι η ενσάρκωση της αγάπης. «Διῆλθεν εὐεργετῶν καὶ ἰώμενος», συγκρούστηκε με την αδικία και τη δολιότητα, με το ψεύδος και το μίσος, αντιμετώπισε την εχθρότητα και τις συκοφαντίες. Αποκάλυψε τη μεγαλοσύνη της αγάπης, συγχωρώντας και τους σταυρωτές Του. Με την Ανάστασή Του διακήρυξε τον θρίαμβο της αγάπης.
Η άπειρη αγάπη του Θεού συνυφάνθηκε με άμετρη ταπεινοφροσύνη, πόνο, με «κένωση». Ο Ιησούς Χριστός ο Υιός του Θεού «ἑαυτόν ἐκένωσεν μορφήν δούλου λαβών… ». Και καθώς ήταν πραγματικός άνθρωπος, εκούσια ταπεινώθηκε μέχρι θάνατο σταυρικό. Γι’ αυτό και ο Θεός Τον υπερύψωσε και του χάρισε το ανώτερο από κάθε άλλο όνομα, ώστε εις το όνομα του Ιησού να κάμψη κάθε γόνυ …και κάθε γλώσσα να ομολογήσει ότι ο Ιησούς Χριστός είναι Κύριος εις δόξαν του Θεού Πατρός» (Φιλ 2: 6-11).
Για τη χριστιανική συνείδηση Σταυρός και Ανάσταση αποτελούν μια ενότητα οργανική. Όπως και άλλοτε έχουμε επισημάνει, η Ανάσταση δεν έρχεται μετά τον Σταυρό. Η Ανάσταση βρίσκεται μέσα στον Σταυρό, όταν τον αποδεχόμαστε, όπως ο Χριστός από αγάπη προς τον Θεό και τους συνανθρώπους μας. Όσοι Τον ακολούθησαν και έγιναν μέλη του μυστικού σώματός Του γνωρίζουν ότι ο Σταυρός και η Ανάσταση καθορίζουν την πορεία της εν Χριστώ ζωής. Εύγλωττα συνοψίζει ο Άγιος Κοσμάς ο Αιτωλός, «ο πανάγαθος και πολυέλεος Θεός έχει πολλά και διάφορα ονόματα. Λέγεται και Φως, και Ζωή και Ανάστασις. Όμως το κύριο όνομα του Θεού μας είναι και λέγεται Αγάπη».
Στις ημέρες μας, που η θλίψη, ο πόνος και η σύγχυση από τον αδελφοκτόνο πόλεμο της Ρωσίας κατά της Ουκρανίας κατακλύζουν τη σκέψη και την ψυχή μας, ίσως φανεί παράξενο να αναφερόμαστε στην αγάπη. Ο επιθετικός πόλεμος αποτελεί την τραγικότερη και σκληρότερη προσβολή και άρνησή της. Στις οδυνηρές, όμως, αυτές συνθήκες είναι φυσικό η προσοχή μας, αναζητώντας διέξοδο, να στρέφεται προς τις θεμελιώδεις αξίες της πίστεώς μας. Συγχρόνως με την καταδίκη των εγκλημάτων, επείγει γενικότερα να ενισχυθεί η πάντα νουν υπερέχουσα δύναμη της αγάπης μέσα μας και γύρω μας. Μόνο αυτή τελικά μπορεί να νικήσει την αλαζονική δύναμη της εξουσίας και να εξασφαλίσει τον δεσμό μας με τον Θεό της ειρήνης και της καταλλαγής.
««Ὁ οὖν κτησάμενος τὴν ἀγάπην αὐτόν τὸν Θεὸν ἐκτήσατο, ἐπειδὴ ὁ Θεὸς ἀγάπη ἐστί»: Ο άνθρωπος, λοιπόν, που απέκτησε την αγάπη, απέκτησε τον ίδιο τον Θεό, διότι ο Θεός είναι αγάπη. (Μαξίμου του Ομολογητού, Κεφάλαια περί αγάπης, Δ΄, 100).
Συχνά διατυπώνεται η ευχή να είμαστε στη σωστή πλευρά της ιστορίας. Η αναστάσιμη ευχή παρακινεί να είμαστε πάντοτε στην πλευρά της αγάπης, όπως την αποκάλυψε με τη διδασκαλία, τη ζωή, τη θυσία και την Ανάστασή Του ο Χριστός. Η αγάπη είναι το αντίδοτο κατά του εγωκεντρισμού, εθνικού, φυλετικού, θρησκευτικού, που δηλητηριάζει την ειρηνική συνύπαρξη ανθρώπων και λαών.
Η αγάπη εκφράζεται ως μυστική κίνηση του Θεού προς τον άνθρωπο και του ανθρώπου προς τον Θεό και τους άλλους ανθρώπους. Κρατάει σε συνοχή όλα τα λογικά όντα, είναι η ακατάλυτη ενέργεια του Θεού.
Η σταυροαναστάσιμη ελπίδα ότι η αγάπη τελικά θα νικήσει ας παρηγορεί και γαληνεύει την ψυχή μας.

Αληθώς Ανέστη ο Κύριος!

Kryepiskopi i Tiranës, Durrësit dhe i Gjithë Shqipërisë
Pashkë 2022
Ngjallja- dashuria do ta mposhtë
përfundimisht urrejtjen.
Krishti u ngjall!
Dashuria do të triumfojë përfundimisht, duke na e lehtësuar dhimbjen dhe plagët. Këtë mesazh ngushëllues na përçon në mënyrë diakronike e kremtja shkëlqimprurëse e Ngjalljes së Krishtit.
Ardhja e Birit dhe e Fjalës së Perëndisë në botë, marrja e natyrës njerëzore dhe lartësimi i saj me Pësimin dhe Ngjalljen e Tij, janë ngjarje kulmore të dashurisë brenda historisë botërore. Besimi i krishterë mbështetet në një të vërtetë themelore: “Perëndia është dashuri; dhe ai që qëndron në dashuri, qëndron në Perëndinë dhe Perëndia në atë” (1Jn. 4:16). Ngjallja dhe dashuria ndërlidhen midis tyre. Fitorja mbi vdekjen me Ngjalljen e Krishtit realizohet me anë të dashurisë: “Ne e dimë se kemi shkuar prej vdekjes në jetë, sepse duam vëllezërit” (1 Jn. 3:14). Zhvendosja nga vdekja në jetë përmbushet me anë të dashurisë.
Gjerësia dhe thellësia e dashurisë së krishterë përcaktohen në tekstet biblike dhe zbulojnë plotësinë e tyre në figurën e Birit dhe të Fjalës së mishëruar të Perëndisë, të Jisu Krishtit. Ai është mishërimi i dashurisë. “Ai shkonte vend më vend duke bërë mirë dhe duke shëruar”, u përplas me padrejtësinë dhe djallëzinë, me gënjeshtrën dhe urrejtjen, u përball me armiqësinë dhe shpifjet. Zbuloi madhështinë e dashurisë, duke falur edhe ata që E kryqëzuan. Me Ngjalljen e Tij, Ai shpalli triumfin e dashurisë.
Dashuria e pafund e Perëndisë u ndërthur me përulësi, vuajtje të pamasë, me “kenozën”. Jisu Krishti, Biri i Perëndisë, “zbrazi veten e tij duke marrë formë shërbëtori”. Edhe pse ishte Perëndi “e zbrazi veten, mori formë shërbëtori dhe u bë njeri. Dhe ndërsa ishte njeri i vërtetë, u përul me vullnetin e Tij deri në vdekje kryqi. Prandaj edhe Perëndia e përmbilartësoi dhe i fali emrin më të lartë se çdo emër, që emrit të Jisuit t’i përkulet çdo gju… dhe çdo gjuhë të rrëfejë se Jisu Krishti është Zot, për lavdi të Perëndisë Atë” (Filip. 2:6-11).
Për ndërgjegjen e krishterë, Kryqi dhe Ngjallja përbëjnë një unitet organik. Siç e kemi thënë edhe herë të tjera, Ngjallja nuk vjen pas Kryqit. Ngjallja ndodhet brenda Kryqit, kur e pranojmë si Krishti nga dashuria për Perëndinë dhe njerëzit e tjerë. Ata që e pasuan dhe u bënë gjymtyrë të Trupit të Tij mistik, e dinë se Kryqi dhe Ngjallja përcaktojnë ecurinë e jetës më Krishtin. Shën Kozmai i Etolisë e përmbledh me elokuencë këtë të vërtetë: “Perëndia i tërëmirë dhe i shumëmëshirshëm ka emra të shumtë dhe të ndryshëm. Quhet edhe Dritë, edhe Jetë, edhe Ngjallje. Por emri kryesor i Perëndisë është dhe quhet Dashuri”.
Në ditët tona, kur hidhërimi, dhembja dhe pështjellimi, për shkak të luftës vëllavrasëse të Rusisë kundër Ukrainës, e kanë përmbytur mendimin dhe shpirtin tonë, ndoshta duket e çuditshme që t’i referohemi dashurisë. Lufta agresive përbën cenimin dhe mohimin më tragjik e mizor të saj. Por, në këto kushte të dhimbshme është e natyrshme që vëmendja jonë, duke kërkuar rrugëdalje, të kthehet drejt vlerave themelore të besimit tonë. Njëkohësisht me dënimin e krimeve, mbi të gjitha, është urgjente që të fuqizohet brenda dhe përreth nesh fuqia e dashurisë që kapërcen çdo mendje. Vetëm kjo mund të mposhtë përfundimisht fuqinë arrogante të pushtetit dhe të sigurojë lidhjen tonë me Perëndinë e paqes dhe të pajtimit.
“Njeriu që fitoi dashurinë, fitoi vetë Perëndinë, sepse Perëndia është dashuri”, na thotë shën Maksim Konfesori (Kapitujt rreth dashurisë, 4’,100).
Sot, shpesh dëgjojmë urimin që të jemi në anën e duhur të historisë. Urimi ngjallësor na nxit të jemi gjithmonë në anën e dashurisë, siç Krishti na e zbuloi me anë të mësimit, jetës, sakrificës dhe Ngjalljes së Tij. Dashuria është antidoti i egocentrizmit – etnik, racor, fetar – i cili e helmon bashkëjetesën paqësore të njerëzve dhe të popujve.
Dashuria shprehet si lëvizje mistike e Perëndisë për te njeriu dhe e njeriut për te Perëndia dhe njerëzit e tjerë. Ajo i mban në kohezion të gjitha qeniet logjike; është energji Perëndie që nuk mund të shpërbëhet.
Shpresa kryqngjallësore se dashuria do të fitojë përfundimisht, le të ngushëllojë dhe paqtojë shpirtin tonë.
Vërtet u ngjall Zoti!
Archbishop of Tirana, Durres and all Albania
Pascha 2022
Resurrection – love ultimately overcomes hatred
Christ is Risen!
Soothing pain and wounds, love will ultimately be victorious. This comforting message resounds diachronically through the luminous feast of the Resurrection of Christ.
The culmination of love in world history is manifested in the advent of the Son and Word of God in the world, the assumption of human nature, and its lifting up through the Passion and His Resurrection. The Christian faith is based upon a foundational truth: “God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him” (1 John 4:16). Resurrection and love are intertwined. The victory over death through the Resurrection of Christ is fulfilled through love. “We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the bretheren” (1 John 3:14). The transition from death to life transpires through love.
The breadth and depth of Christian love is defined in the biblical texts and is revealed in its plentitude in the form of the incarnate Son and Logos of God, Jesus Christ. He is the incarnation of love. “He went about doing good and healing,” He confronted injustice, deceptions, lies, and hatred, He faced animosity and slander. He revealed the magnitude of love, forgiving His crucifiers. Through His Resurrection, He asserted the triumph of love.
The infinite love of God was intertwined with immeasurable humility, pain, and kenosis. Jesus Christ the Son of God “emptied Himself, taking on the form of a servant… And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow… and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phil. 2:7-11).
For the Christian conscience, the Cross and Resurrection constitute an organic unity. As we have often noted, the Resurrection does not come after the Cross. The Resurrection is found in the Cross, when we accept it, as Christ did because of His love for God and our fellow human beings. Those who follow Him and became members of His mystical body know that the Cross and Resurrection determine the course of life in Christ. Saint Cosmas of Aetolia eloquently summarizes that “the all-good and all-merciful God has many and various names. He is called Light, and Life, and Resurrection. However, the principle name of our God is Love and He is called Love.”
In the course of these days, when pain, grief, and confusion, brought about by the fratricidal war of Russia against Ukraine, are overwhelming our thoughts and souls, referring to love may be seen as strange. Obviously, aggressive war consists of the most tragic and atrocious insult and denouncement of love. However, under the present crucial conditions, our considerations seeking an egress from these difficulties understandably looks towards the foundational values of our faith. Simultaneously with the condemnation of crimes it is urgent for the power of love to be strengthened within ourselves and around us. Ultimately, only love can be victorious over the arrogant strength of power, therein affirming our bond with the God of peace and reconciliation.
“The one who has acquired love, has acquired God Himself, because God is love” (Maximos the Confessor, Chapters on Love, 4, 100).
Often the wish is made that we are on the right side of history. The resurrectional greeting prompts us to always remain on the side of love, as Christ revealed through His teachings, life, sacrifice, and Resurrection. Love is the antidote to every egocentrism, be it national, racial, religious, that poisons the peaceful coexistence of humans and peoples.
Love is expressed as a mystical movement of God towards humans and of humans towards God and their fellow humans. It maintains in cohesion all logical being, it is the indissoluble energy of God.
May the crucified-resurrectional hope that love ultimately will be victorious console us and calm our souls. Truly the Lord is Risen!


Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις από αυτό το ιστολόγιο

1.1 Ο άνθρωπος ζει με τον Θεό - Α΄ Λυκείου

"Ο Χριστός έρχεται , όταν του μοιάσουμε [...] Πάρε τον παράδεισό μου και δος μου την κόλασή σου” - Α2

1.2 Η πίστη στον Τριαδικό Θεό - Α΄ Λυκείου